NetMedicine ACLS Megacode Simulator

This simulator is Netscape enhanced. For best results, use Netscape 1.1 or higher.

Read the case below and then select an intervention from either of the tool bars by simply clicking on it with your mouse. When selecting a drug, be sure to click on the proper dose.

Objectives for this Learning Module

The patient is a 67 year old male who presents complaining of lightheadedness of two hours duration. His wife states that he lost consciousness for about 30 seconds. He denies having any chest pain. His past medical history is significant for mild hypertension and diet-controlled diabetes. His only medication is hydrochlorothiazide. He is pale and diaphoretic on initial examination. His vital signs are below. The remainder of his exam is unremarkable except for mild jugulovenous distention and slight crackles at both lung bases. What would you like to do for this man?

Pulse: 35 and regular
BP: 100/60
RR: 16
Temp: 97.8