- Med
Finder Submit
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your webpages are not already in the Med
Finder Database, you can submit them here so
that thousands of users can easily find and
access your information!
revolutionary Med
Finder database has made finding specific medical
information on the web an easy, efficient process.
You can make your medical information and webpages
easily available to thousands of users by entering
and updating the databases with your current webpage
information. For security purposes, medical
webmasters can request an ID and password in order to update
their entries.
Most medical
website search engines only provide links to a
particular site's homepage, leaving the user to
search endlessly for any appropriate information.
This frequently results in time wasted with an
unfruitful search.
The feature
that makes Med
Finder so unique is that specific types
of medical information from websites, can be rapidly
and accurately obtained without endless browsing.
That's why people go to Med
Finder when they want to FIND medical information.
Help users
find your information by entering your webpages
directly on the form below: