
Radiology Cases in Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Loren Yamamoto, MD, MPH
Associate Professor of Pediatrics University of Hawaii
John A. Burns School of Medicine

Volume 1

Select from the interesting cases below:

Case 1 - Toxic Infant With a Full Fontanelle
Case 2 - The Stomach Flu ? - The Target, Crescent, and Abominal
Case 3 - Abdominal Pain With a Negative Abdominal Examination
Case 4 - Persistent Abdominal Pain
Case 5 - Cervical Spine Malalignment - True or Pseudo Subluxation?
Case 6 - Diminished Breath Sounds and Air in the Chest
Case 7 - Hamman's Sign
Case 8 - Foreign Body Aspiration in a Child
Case 10 - Drooling, Stridor, and a Barking Cough: Croup ??
Case 11 - Elbow Ossification Centers in a Child
Case 12 - Radiographic Examination of the Elbow - The Hourglass Sign
Case 13 - Child With a Sprained Wrist
Case 14 - A Hand Contusion
Case 15 - Monteggia's Injury
Case 16 - Galeazzi's Injury
Case 17 - Elbow Sprain in a Child
Case 18 - Salter-Harris
Case 19 - Swollen Elbow with a Normal X-Ray
Case 20 - Sever's Disease

Loren Yamamoto, MD, MPH Associate Professor of Pediatrics University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine