All correspondence and questions should be sent to the editorial office via E-mail. Alternatively, they can be sent as printed text as well as on a floppy disk by mail to the address shown below. It is preferable that the text be saved as either "Word for Windows" or "WordPerfect" file on a floppy disk. However, if you do not have access to these programs, please send the rtf files or as txt files. Figures in manuscripts should be submitted as glossy photographs for review and upon acceptance as either JPEG or GIF file on a floppy disk for publication. Videos should be submitted on regular VHS cassettes for review or as AVI, MPEG, or Quicktime files on floppy disks for publication. All correspondence should be sent to the following address:

S Tabibzadeh, MD
Biomedical Research Center
350 Community Drive
Manhasset, NY 11030
Tel: 516-562-1176
Fax: 516-365-5090
E-mail: tabibzadeh@bioscience.org