: Manuscripts tagged with this symbol will be available on line in full text indefinitely
: The abstracts of the manuscripts tagged with this symbol will be available on line indefinitely
Differential displaying of mRNAs from the atrioventricular region of developing chicken hearts at stages 15 and 21
- D-Z. Wang, X. Hu, J. L-C. Lin, G.T. Kitten, M. Solursh, and J. J-C. Lin
[Vol 1 pp a1-15; January 1, 1996]
PubMed No: 9159189
Regulation of involucrin gene expression by calcium in normal human keratinocytes
- D. C. Ng, M.-J. Su, R. Kim and D. D. Bikle
[Vol 1 pp a16-24; January 1, 1996]
PubMed No: 9159190
Phagocytosis and intracellular killing of serum-opsonized Staphylococcus aureus by mouse fibroblasts expressing human Fcgamma receptor type IIa (CD32)
- P. H. Nibbering, E. Broug-Holub, A. C. Bezemer, R. Jansen, J. G. J. van de Winkel, and M. F. Geertsma
[Vol 1 pp a25-33; April 1, 1996]
PubMed No: 9159191
The first detection of complete androgen insensitivity with no mutation in the coding sequence of the androgen receptor gene
- H-J. Lee, I. Mowszowicz, and C. Chang
[Vol 1 pp a34-38; July 1, 1996]
PubMed No: 9159192
Differential susceptibility to anti-receptor induced apoptosis in adult murine B-cells: Role of B1 cells
- B. R. Maddox and D. W. Scott
[Vol 1 pp a39-45; July 1, 1996]
PubMed No: 9159193
A study of the interactions of an immunoglobulin light chain with artificial and B-lymphocyte membranes.
- J. S. Wall, F. M. Ayoub, and P. S. O'Shea
[Vol 1 pp a46-58; August 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159194
Deletion of the Herpes simplex 1 internal repeat sequences affects pathogenicity in the mouse
- F. J. Jenkins, A. M. Donoghue and J. R. Martin
[Vol 1 pp a59-68; October 4, 1996]
PubMed No9159195
Transcutaneous electrosigmoidography. Study of the myoelectric activity of sigmoid colon by surface electrodes.
- A. Shafik
[Vol 1 pp b1-4; July 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159196
Comparison of contrast detail curves of full field digital with screen film breast phantom images.
- A. Visweswaran, M.D., H. Liu, Ph.D., L. L. Fajardo, M.D., G. A. DeAngelis, M.D.
[Vol 1 pp b5-7; August 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159197
Solid phase purification and SSCP analysis of amplified genomic DNA by capillary electrophoresis
S. Debernardi, M. Luzzana and Gianluca De Bellis
[Vol 1 pp c1-3 ; January 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159198
The foundations of successful RT in situ PCR
- G J Nuovo
[Vol 1 pp c4-15; November 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159200
The molecular basis of ovarian cell death during germ cell attrition, follicular atresia, and luteolysis
- J. L. Tilly
[Vol 1 pp d1-11; January 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159202
Soluble Fas/Apo-1 splicing variants and apoptosis
- I. Cascino, G. Papoff, A Eramo and G. Ruberti
[Vol 1 pp d12-18; January 1, 1996]
PubMed No9159204:
Microinjection strategies for the study of mitogenic signaling in mammalian cells
- N. J. C. Lamb, C. Gauthier-Rouviere and A. Fernandez
[Vol 1 pp d19-29; March 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159206
Apoptosis in renal diseases
- A. Ortiz, S. G. Cuadrado, C. Lorz and J. Egido
[Vol 1 pp d30-47; March 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159208
DnaA- and PriA-dependent primosomes: Two distinct replication complexes for replication of Escherichia coli chromosome
- H. Masai and K-I. Arai.
[Vol 1 pp d48-58; March 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159210
The androgen receptor: A mediator of diverse responses
- E. T. Keller, W. B. Ershler and C. Chang
[Vol 1 pp d59-71; March 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159212
Interactions between the components of the human NADPH oxidase: A review about the intrigues in the phox family
- J. H. W. Leusen, A. J. Verhoeven, and D. Roos
[Vol 1 pp d72-90; July 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159214
The pattern and mechanism of mitochondrial transport in axons.
- P. J. Hollenbeck
[Vol 1 pp d91-102; July 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159217
Membrane lipid dynamics during human sperm capacitation
- P. Martínez and A. Morros
[Vol 1 pp d103-117; July 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159218
The tau proteins in neuronal growth and development
- R. Brandt
[Vol 1 pp d118-130; August 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159219
New insights on molecular pathways utilized by salmonella species in cell binding
- B. A. McCormick, S. I. Miller, and J. L Madara
[Vol 1 pp d131-145; August 1, 1996]
PubMed No9159221
Interaction of human spermatozoa with the zona pellucida of oocyte: Development of the acrosome reaction
- P. Morales, and M. Llanos
[Vol 1 pp d146-160; August 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159222
Adhesion molecules in human sperm-oocyte interaction: Relevance to infertility
- O. J. D'Cruz, Ph.D.
[Vol 1 pp d161-176; August 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159225
New mechanisms of regulation of the genomic actions of vitamin D in bone cells: Interaction of the vitamin D receptor with non-classical response elements and with the multifunctional protein, calreticulin
- R. St-Arnaud, G. A. Candeliere, and S. Dedhar
[Vol 1 pp d177-188; August 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159226
Human sperm activation during capacitation and acrosome reaction: Role of calcium, protein phosphorylation and lipid remodelling pathways
- E. Baldi, M. Luconi, L. Bonaccorsi, C. Krausz, and G. Forti
[Vol 1 pp d189-205; August 15, 1996]
PubMed No:9159227
Involvement of protein tyrosine phosphorylation of human sperm in capacitation/acrosome reaction and zona pellucida binding
- R. K. Naz
[Vol 1 pp d206-213; August 15, 1996]
PubMed No:9159228
Molecular biology of the GABAA receptor: Domains implicated by mutational analysis
- M. Davies, A. N./ Bateson, and S. M. J. Dunn
[Vol 1 pp d214-233; September 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159229
The cAMP-dependent kinase pathway and human sperm acrosomal exocytosis
- C. De Jonge
[Vol 1 pp d234-240; September 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159230
Herpes simplex virus: A tool for neuroscientists
- F. J. Jenkins and S. L. Turner
[Vol 1 pp d241-247; September 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159231
Xenotransplantation - State of the art
- D. K. C. Cooper
[Vol 1 pp d248-265; September 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159232
CREM: A transcriptional master switch during the spermatogenesis differentiation program
- F. Nantel and P. Sassone-Corsi
[Vol 1 pp d266-269; September 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159233
Structure-function relationship in the IL-1 family
- D. Boraschi, P. Bossù, G. Macchia, P Ruggiero and A. Tagliabue
[Vol 1 pp d270-308; October 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159234
HSP90 - News from the front
- U. Jakob
[Vol 1 pp d309-317; October 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159187
The immune system: A look from a distance.
- M. Cohn and R. E. Langman
[Vol 1 pp d318-323; October 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159236
Invasion of human glioma: Role of extracellular matrix proteins
- S. K. Chintala and J. S. Rao
[Vol 1 pp d324-339; November 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159237
Molecular and cellular biology of interleukin-6 and its receptor
- E. T. Keller, J. Wanagat, and W. B. Ershler
[Vol 1 pp d340-357; December 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159238
Corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) in normal and pregnant uterus: physiological implications
- E Zoumakis, A Makrigiannakis, A Margioris, C Stournaras and A. Gravanis
[Vol 1 pp e1-8; January 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159239
Role of leukocytes and leukocyte adhesion molecules in renal ischemic-reperfusion injury
- H. Rabb
[Vol 1 pp e9-14; January 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159240
Pharmacological manipulation of the complement system in human diseases.
- S. S. Asghar
[Vol 1 pp e15-25; March 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159241
Therapeutic application of intravenous human natural immunoglobulin preparation
- Y. Abe
[Vol 1 pp e26-33; July 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159242
Pig alpha1, 3galactosyltransferase: A major target for genetic manipulation in xenotransplantation
- K. Strahan, A. Preece and K. Gustafsson
[Vol 1 pp e34-41; July 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159243
Mycoplasmas and HIV infection: From epidemiology to their interaction with immune cells
- C. Brenner, O. Neyrolles, and A. Blanchard
[Vol 1 pp e42-54; August 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159244
Immunoglobulin therapy in Kawasaki syndrome and RSV prophylaxis
- H. C. Meissner, M.D., and D. Y. M. Leung, M.D., Ph.D.
[Vol 1 pp e55-64; August 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159245
Methods for enhancement of sperm function
- B. Minhas, and B. A. Ripps
[Vol 1 pp e65-71; August 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159246
Application of molecular biology-based methods to the diagnosis of infectious diseases
- U. Reischl
[Vol 1 pp e72-77; August 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159247
Oxidative stress and role of antioxidants in normal and abnormal sperm function
- S. C. Sikka
[Vol 1 pp e78-86; August 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159248
Application of sperm antigens in immunocontraception
- R. K. Naz
[Vol 1 pp e87-95; September 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159249
Assessment of sperm function and clinical aspects of impaired sperm function
- D. A. Ohl, A. C. Menge
[Vol 1 pp e96-108; September 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159250
Sonohysterographic imaging of the endometrial cavity
- A. Parsons, A. Hill, and D. Spicer
[Vol 1 pp f1-5; January 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159251
The role of laparoscopy in the diagnosis of gynecologic pathologies
- A. Babaknia
[Vol 1 pp f6-7; January 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159254
The role of laser in the laparascopic treatment of gynecologic pathologies
- A. Babaknia
[Vol 1 pp f8-9; January 1, 1996]
PubMed No:9159255
Bologna, May 27, 1996. Presidents: C Flamigni, G Pelusi
Scientific Secriatriat: | | | Organizing Secretariat:
| C. Bulletti, E. Giacomucci, B. Taroni | | | O.S.C. Bologna
| Ist. di Clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologica I | | | Via S. Stefano 30
| Universitá di Bologna | | | 40125 Bologna
| Via Massarenti, 13-40138 Bologna | | | Tel: 051/224232
| Tel: 051/6364372 - Fax: 051/345826 | | | Fax: 051/226855 |
Place & modalities of laparoscopy in surgical management of suspected adnexal masses
- C Chapron, J-B Dubuisson, S Capella-Allouc & X Fritel
[Vol 1, pp g1-7, December 1 1996]
PubMed No:9159255
PubMed No: 9159256
Management of benign adnexal masses by vaginal route
- G B Massi, L Savino, A Lena & T Susini
[Vol 1, pp g8-11, December 1 1996]
PubMed No:9159258
Benign ovarian tumors
- G Pelusi, B Taroni & C Flamigni
[Vol 2, pp g5-7, January 1 1997]
PubMed No:9159257
Treatment strategies of the borderline ovarian tumors
- C Bulletti, A Albonetti, T Talamo, L B Reggiani, E Giacomucci, S Alfieri & C Flamigni
[Vol 1, pp g12-13, December 1 1996]
PubMed No:9159260
Ovarian cancer: Natural history & metastatic pattern
- D Amadori
[Vol 2, pp g8-10, January 1 1997]
PubMed No:9159259
Potential role of growth factors in ovarian cancer
- VM Jassoni, A Amadori, G Gentile & L Alesi
[Vol 1, pp g14-19, December 1 1996]
PubMed No:9159261
Chemotherapy of advanced ovarian cancer
- Martoni A., Cacciari N., Angelelli B., Zamagni C., Pannuti F.
[Vol 2, g20-26, March 15, 1997]
PubMed No: 9159262