: Manuscripts tagged with this symbol will be available on line in full text indefinitely
: The abstracts of the manuscripts tagged with this symbol will be available on line indefinitely


Optical spectroscopy of breast biopsies and human breast cancer xenografts in nude mice
Fay A. Marks
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, a1-10; January 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9392694

Targeted inhibition of hepatitis B virus gene expression: a gene therapy approach
Frank Y.-T. Tung and Steven W. Bowen
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, a11-15; February 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9450988

Effect of TGF-beta1 on PDGF receptors expression in human scar fibroblasts
Messadi DV , Le A, Berg S, Huang G, Zhuang W and Bertolami CN
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, a16-22, February 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9450987

Aminoalkylaziridines as substrates and inhibitors of lysyl oxidase: specific inactivation of the enzyme by n-(5-aminopentyl)aziridine
Narasimhan Nagan, Patrick S. Callery and Herbert M. Kagan
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, a23-26, May 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9563974

The Alzheimer's plaques, tangles and memory deficits may have a common origin; part I; a calcium deficit hypothesis
Ming Chen
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, a27-31, May 11, 1998] PubMed No: 9576681

The Alzheimer's plaques, tangles and memory deficits may have a common origin - part II: Therapeutic rationale
Ming Chen
[Frontiers in Bioscience, a32-37, June 8, 1998] PubMed No: 9616128

Characterization of kinetics of anti-Trichinella spiralis newborn larvae immunity in rats
Ching-Hua Wang
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, a38-46, June 9, 1998] PubMed No: 9618375

The Alzheimer's plaques, tangles and memory deficits may have a common origin - Part III: animal model
Ming Chen
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, a47-51, June 17, 1998] PubMed No: 9632378

Apoptosis in the developing cerebellum of the thyroid hormone deficient rat
Qianxun Xiao and Vera M. Nikodem
[Frontiers in Bioscience, 3, a52-57, September 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9740554

Early induction and augmentation of parasitic antigen-specific antibody-producing B lymphocytes in the non-Peyer's patch region of the small intestine
Ching-Hua Wang, Elizabeth M. Richards, Robert D. Block, Enio M. Lezcano and Ricardo Gutierrez
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, a58-65, November 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9792905

The Alzheimer's plaques, tangles and memory deficits may have a common origin - part IV: can calpain act as a-secretase?
Ming Chen
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, a66-75, December 15, 98] PubMed No: 9851910


Electrocholedochogram: a study of the electromechanical activity of the common bile duct in the dog
Ahmed Shafik
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, b1-5; January 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9383264

A study of the effect of renal pelvic and ureteric distension on the anorectal function with identification of the "reno-anal reflex"
Ahmed Shafik
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, b6-10; May 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9563975

Electrosigmoidogram in the various pathologic conditions of the sigmoid colon
Ahmed Shafik
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, b11-14; October 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9778540


A regulatory system for target gene expression
Mark M. Burcin, Bert W. O´Malley and Sophia Y. Tsai
[Frontiers in Bioscience, 3, c1-7, March 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9478886

Use of genetically engineered mice as models for exploring the role of oxidative stress in neurodegenerative diseases
Julie K. Andersen
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, c8-16, March 25, 98] PubMed No: 9512453

In search of an animal model for postmenopausal diseases
E. A. Thorndike and A. S. Turner
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, c17-26, April 16, 1998] PubMed No: 9545440

Lurie's tubercle-count method to test TB vaccine efficacy in rabbits
Arthur M. Dannenberg, Jr.
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, c27-33, May 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9563971


Ascorbate function and metabolism in the human erythrocyte
James M. May
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d1-10; January 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9405334

The p130 pocket protein: keeping order at cell cycle exit/re-entrance transitions
Xavier Mayol and Xavier Grana
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d11-24; January 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9405335

How do intracellular proteolytic systems change with age?
Ana Maria Cuervo and J. Fred Dice
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d25-43; January 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9407152

Chemokine receptors and human immunodeficiency virus infection
Paul D. Bieniasz and Bryan R. Cullen
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d44-58, January 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9407151

T cells and aging
Graham Pawelec , Ed Remarque, Yvonne Barnett, and Rafael Solana
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d59-99, January 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9421551

Alzheimer's disease and brain development: common molecular pathways
Kelly Jordan-Sciutto and Robert Bowser
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d100-112, January 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9422711

Control of TGF-beta receptor expression in bone
Michael Centrella , Changhua Ji, and Thomas L. McCarthy
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d113-124, January 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9422710

Does caloric restriction alter IL-2 transcription?
Mohammad A. Pahlavani
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d125-135, January 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9428813

Mechanism of action of antibody to capsular polysaccharide in Cryptococcus neoformans infection
Marta Feldmesser and Arturo Casadevall
[Frontiers in Bioscience, 3, d136-151, February 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9445465

Regulation of transcription factor NF KAPPA B in immune senescence
Usha Ponnappan
[Frontiers in Bioscience, 3 d152-168, February 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9445466

Free fatty acids (FFA), a link between obesity and insulin resistance
Guenther Boden
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d169-175, February 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9450985

Regulation of bile acid synthesis
John Y. L. Chiang
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d176-193, February 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9450986

Vasopressin signaling pathways in vascular smooth muscle
Raphael A. Nemenoff
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d194-207, February 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9456345

Cell-cell communication in carcinogenesis
James E. Trosko and Randall J. Ruch
[Frontiers in Bioscience, 3, d208-236, February 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9458335

Herpes simplex virus type 2: unique biological properties include neoplastic potential mediated by the Pk domain of the large subunit of ribonucleotide reductase
Laure Aurelian and Randall J. Ruch
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d237-249, February 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9459654

Myc and the cell cycle
Bruno Amati, Konstantinos Alevizopoulos and Jaromir Vlach
[Frontiers in Bioscience, 3, d250-268, February 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9468463

Control of vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cell proliferation and its implication in cardiovascular disease
Ioakim Spyridopoulos and Vicente Andrés
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d269-287, March 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9473210

Structure and function of heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (HB-EGF)
Karen M. Davis-Fleischer, and Gail E. Besner
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d288-299, March 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9473209

Eukaryotic-like histones in Chlamydia
Ravi Kaul and Wanda M. Wenman
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d300-305, March 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9477333

Molecular and immunological characterization of shellfish allergens
Patrick SC Leung and Ka-Hou Chu
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d306-312, March 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9482714

Regulation of survival pathways by IL-3 and induction of apoptosis following IL-3 withdrawal
Daniel E Johnson
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d313-324, March 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9488657

Alzheimer's disease and heparan sulfate proteoglycan
Ken-ichiro Fukuchi , Michael Hart, and Ling Li
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d327-337, March 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9490646

Mathematical modeling of immunological reactions
Penelope A. Morel
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d338-347, March 16, 1998] PubMed No: 9495835

Transcriptional regulation of alpha-1 adrenergic receptors
Daniel R. Scanga and Debra A. Schwinn
[Frontiers in Bioscience, 3, d348-353, March 17, 1998] PubMed No: 9497274

Biology of vaccinia virus acylproteins
Douglas W. Grosenbach and Dennis E. Hruby
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d354-364, March 22, 98] PubMed No: 9506927

Signal transduction during apoptosis; implications for cancer therapy
Michael Story and Reinhard Kodym
[Frontiers in Bioscience, 3, d365-375, March 23, 98] PubMed No: 9512454

Transcription by RNA polymerase I
Katherine M. Hannan, Ross D. Hannan and Lawrence I. Rothblum
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d376-398, March 26, 98] PubMed No: 9514984

Cellular and molecular basis of ß-amyloid precursor protein metabolism
Jeffrey P. Greenfield, Gunnar K. Gouras and Huaxi Xu
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d399-407, March 26, 98] PubMed No: 9514985

DNA inverted repeats and human disease
John J. Bissler
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d408-418, March 27, 1998] PubMed No: 9516381

RB and apoptotic cell death
Q. Ping Dou and Bing An
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d419-430, April 6, 1998] PubMed No: 9545437

The neuro-immunological interface in an evolutionary perspective: the dynamic relationship between effector and recognition systems
Enzo Ottaviani Silvana Valensin and Claudio Franceschi
[Frontiers in Bioscience, 3, d431-435, April 16, 98] PubMed No: 9545439

The essential role of inflammation and induced gene expression in the pathogenic pathway of Alzheimer's disease
Lars Nilsson, Jack Rogers and Huntington Potter
[Frontiers in Bioscience, 3, d436-446, April 16, 1998] PubMed No: 9545438

Role of E2F in cell cycle control and cancer
David G. Johnson and Robin Schneider-Broussard
[Frontiers in Bioscience, 3, d447-458, April 27, 1998] PubMed No: 9545438

The neutral theory and natural selection in the HLA region
Yoko Satta, Yi-Ju Li and Naoyuki Takahata
[Frontiers in Bioscience, 3, d459-467, April 27, 1998] PubMed No: 9556500

Cellular activation mechanisms in septic shock
Jocelyn S. Downey, and Jiahuai Han
[Frontiers in Bioscience, 3, d468-476, April 29, 1998] PubMed No: 9560358

Four varieties of voltage-gated proton channels
Thomas E. DeCoursey
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d477-482, May 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9563972

Isolation and structural analysis of microsomal membrane proteins
F.S. Heinemann and Juris Ozols
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d483-493, May 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9563973

Synaptic mechanisms in auditory cortex function
Raju Metherate
[Frontiers in Bioscience, 3, d494-501, May 6, 1998] PubMed No: 9569228

The keratinocyte growth-differentiation switch
Paolo Dotto
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d502-508, May 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9600879

Natural selection and the evolutionary history of major histocompatibility complex loci
Austin L. Hughes and Meredith Yeager
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d509-516, May 26, 1998] PubMed No: 9601106

Human mutations affecting branched chain a-ketoacid dehydrogenase
Dean J. Danner and Christopher B. Doering
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d517-524, June 3, 1998] PubMed No: 9609836

Mechanism of mycobacterium avium complex pathogenesis
Venkata M. Reddy
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d525-531, June 8, 1998] PubMed No: 9616131

New perspectives on retinoblastoma family functions in differentiation
Amy S. Yee , Heather H. Shih, and Sergei G. Tevosian
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d532-547, June 8, 1998] PubMed No: 9616132

Alcohol and anesthetic mechanisms in genetically engineered mice
Gregg E. Homanics , Joseph J. Quinlan, Robert M. Mihalek, and Leonard L. Firestone
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d548-558, June 8, 1998] PubMed No: 9616129

Macrokines: invertebrate cytokine-like molecules?
Gregory Beck
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d559-569, June 16, 1998] PubMed No: 9628939

DNA strand exchange proteins: a biochemical and physical comparison
Piero R. Bianco, Robert B. Tracy and Stephen C. Kowalczykowski
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d570-603, June 17, 1998] PubMed No: 9632377

The role of CD44 as a cell surface hyaluronan receptor during tumor invasion of connective tissue
Warren Knudson
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d604-615, July 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9634543

CD44 structure and function
Jayne Lesley and Robert Hyman
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d616-630, July 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9634544

Mechanisms regulating the binding activity of CD44 to hyaluronic acid
Dacai Liu, Tong Liu, Ruliang, Li, and Man-Sun Sy
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d631-636, July 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9634638

CD44 isoform-cytoskeleton interaction in oncogenic signaling and tumor progression
Lilly Y.W. Bourguignon , Dan Zhu and Hongbo Zhu
[Frontiers in Bioscience, 3, d637-649, July 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9634539

The CD44 protein family: roles in embryogenesis and tumor progression
Helmut Ponta and Peter Herrlich
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d650-656, July 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9634545

CD44 expression and growth factors
Jun-ichi Hamada , Yutaka Sawamura, and Erwin G. Van Meir
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d657-664, July 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9634542

Role of CD44 in CTL and NK cell activity
Asimah Q. Rafi-Janajreh, Prakash S. Nagarkatti and Mitzi Nagarkatti
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d665-671, July 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9634546

Plasticity of CD44s expression during progression and metastasis of fibrosarcoma in an animal model system
Lloyd A. Culp and Priit Kogerman
[Frontiers in Bioscience, 3, d672-683, July 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9634540

Regulation of the extracellular ligand binding activity of integrins
Catherine Fernandez , Katherine Clark, Louise Burrows , Neil R. Schofield and Martin J. Humphries
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d684-700, July 2, 1998] PubMed No: 9637803

Excitatory amino acid neurotransmission. Pathways for metabolism, storage and reuptake of glutamate in brain
Monica Palmada and Josep Joan Centelles
[Frontiers in Bioscience, d701-718, July 20, 1998] PubMed No: 9665875

Integrin-mediated platelet adhesion
Masaaki Moroi and Stephanie M. Jung
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d719-728, July 23, 1998] PubMed No: 9669995

Endocytosis and intracellular sorting of receptor tyrosine kinases
Alexander Sorkin
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d729-738, July 26, 1998] PubMed No: 9671598

Evolution of the human HLA-DR region
Göran Andersson
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d739-745, July 27, 1998] PubMed No: 9675159

IgE-mediated desensitization in human basophils and mast cells
Donald MacGlashan, Jr. , Sandra Lavens-Phillips, and Katsushi Miura
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d746-756. July 28, 1998] PubMed No: 9680509

Integrin-mediated signaling in the regulation of osteoclast adhesion and activation
Le T. Duong and Gideon A. Rodan
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d849-864, August 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9682033

G-protein coupled receptors in bone
Wayne B. Bowler , James A. Gallagher and Graeme Bilbe
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d769-780, August 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9682032

FGF signaling in skeletal development
Michael C. Naski and David M. Ornitz
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d781 -794, August 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9683641

Role of PTHRP and PTH-1 receptor in endochondral bone development
Andrew C. Karaplis and Ron A. Deckelbaum
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d795-803, August 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9683888

MAP kinase signaling cascades and gene expression in osteoblasts
Robert A. Hipskind and Graeme Bilbe
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d804-816, August 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9682034

Transcription factors and osteoblasts
Masaki Noda, Akira Nifuji, Kunikazu Tuji, Kohichi Furuya, Ichiro Sekiya, Yoshinori Asou, Nanako Kawaguchi, Karuhito Yamachita
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d817-820, August 1 ,1998] PubMed No: 9682037

Transcriptional activation through the vitamin D receptor in osteoblasts
Dennis M. Kraichely and Paul N. MacDonald
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d821-833, August 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9682036

Transcriptional regulation of osteoblast differentiation during development
Gerard Karsenty
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d834-837, August 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9682035

Transcriptional coactivators potentiating AP-1 function in bone
René St-Arnaud and Isabelle Quélo
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d838-848, August 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9682038

Nuclear Structure - Skeletal Gene Expression Interrelationships
Gary S. Stein , André J. van Wijnen, Janet L. Stein, Jane B. Lian
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d849-864, August 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9682039

Conserved functions of the cytoplasmic domains of integrin beta subunits
Jari Ylänne
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d877-886, August 5, 1998] PubMed No: 9693157

Interaction of mycobacterial glycolipids with host cells
Isabelle Vergne and Mamadou Daffé
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d865-876, August 5, 1998] PubMed No: 9693156

RAS pathways to cell cycle control and cell transformation
Marcos Malumbres and Angel Pellicer
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d887-912, August 6, 98] PubMed No: 9696882

Is exposure to environmental or industrial endocrine disrupting estrogen-like chemicals able to cause genomic instability?
Deodutta Roy , John B. Colerangle and Kamleshwar Prasad Singh
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d913-921, August 6, 1998] PubMed No: 9696883

Aromatase and breast cancer
Shiuan Chen
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d922-933, August 6, 1998] PubMed No: 9696881

Hormonal control of pituitary prolactin-secreting tumors
Dipak K. Sarkar
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d934-943, August 6, 1998] PubMed No: 9696884

Biological and molecular basis of human breast cancer
Jose Russo , Xiaoqi Yang, Yun-Fu Hu, Betsy A. Bove, Yajue Huang, Ismael D.C.G. Silva, Quivo Tahin, Yuli Wu, Nadia Higgy, Abdel Zekri, and Irma H. Russo
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d944-960, September 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9727085

Physiologic importance of protein phosphatase inhibitors
Carey J. Oliver and Shirish Shenolikar
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d961-972, September 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9727084

Evolution and phylogeny of defense molecules associated with innate immunity in horseshoe crab
Sadaaki Iwanaga and Shun-ichiro Kawabata
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d973-984, September 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9727083

Basonuclin, a zinc finger protein associated with epithelial expansion and proliferation
Hung Tseng
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d985-988, September 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9727087

Molecular and genetic analysis of iron uptake proteins in the Brazilian purpuric fever clone of Haemophilus influenzae biogroup aegyptius
Laura M. Smoot, Erin C. Bell, Robert L. Paz, Kara A. Corbin, Deanna D. Hall, Judith N. Steenbergen, Andrea C. Harner, and Luis A. Actis
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d989-996, September 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9727086

Systemic gene therapy with p53 inhibits breast cancer: recent advances and therapeutic implications
Qing-Rong Chen and A. James Mixson
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d997-1004, September 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9740551

Molecular events in melanoma development and progression
Friedegund Meier, Kapaettu Satyamoorthy, Mark Nesbit, Mei-Yu Hsu, Birgit Schittek, Claus Garbe, and Meenhard Herlyn
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d1005-1010, September 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9740553

The regulation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism during and after exercise
John O. Holloszy, Wendy M. Kohrt and Polly A. Hansen
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d1011-1027, September 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9740552

The role of carbohydrates in mammalian sperm-egg interactions: how important are carbohydrate epitopes?
Jane Zara and Rajesh K. Naz
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d1028-1038, October 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9751668

Integrins during muscle development and in muscular dystrophies
Donald Gullberg, Teet Velling, Lars Lohikangas, Carl-Fredrik Tiger
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d1039-1050, October 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9778539

Nongenomic effects of progesterone on spermatozoa: mechanisms of signal transduction and clinical implications
Elisabetta Baldi, Michaela Luconi, Lorella Bonaccorsi, Gianni Forti
[Frontiers in Bioscience, 3, d1051-1059, November 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9792892

Lymphocyte activation: the coming of the protein tyrosine phosphatases
T. Mustelin, J. Brockdorff, A. Gjörloff-Wingren, P. Tailor, S. Han, X. Wang & M. Saxena
[Fronteirs in Bioscience 3, d1060-1096, November 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9792899

Signaling events during male germ cell differentiation : bases and perspectives
Giovanna Berruti
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d1097-1108, November 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9792893

Role of phospholipases during sperm acrosomal exocytosis
E.R.S. Roldan
[Frontiers in Bioscience, 3, d1109-1119, November 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9792902

T cell signaling: effect of age
Mohammad A. Pahlavani
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d1120-1133, November 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9792900

Signaling through protein kinase C
Alex Toker
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d1134-1147, November 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9792904

Molecular pathobiology of pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Shamlal Mangray and Thomas C King
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d1148-1160, November 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9820739

Targeted, non-viral gene delivery for cancer gene therapy
Richard J. Cristiano
[Frontiers in Biosciecne 3, d1161-1170, November 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9820737

Host susceptibility factors to cutaneous leishmaniasis
Douglas E. Jones, M. Merle Elloso and Phillip Scott
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d1171-1180, November 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9820738

Thomas K. Schlesinger, Gary R. Fanger, Toshi Yujiri1 and Gary L. Johnson
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d1181-1186, November 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9820741

Role of fertilization promoting peptide (FPP) in modulating mammalian sperm function
Lynn R. Fraser
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d1187-1191, December 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9835650

Papillomavirus vaccines
Margaret F. Duggan-Keen, Michael D. Brown, Simon N. Stacey and Peter L. Stern
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d1192-1208, December 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9835649

Protein phosphatase type 1, the product of the retinoblastoma susceptibility gene, and cell cycle control
Ethel Rubin, Sama Tamrakar, and John W. Ludlow
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d1209-1219, December 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9835651

Voltage dependent calcium channels in mammalian spermatozoa
Susan Benoff
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d1220-1240, December 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9835646

Inhibition of internal entry site (IRES)-mediated translation by a small yeast RNA:
a novel strategy to block hepatitis C virus protein synthesis

Saumitra Das, Michael Ott, Akemi Yamane1, Arun Venkatesan, Sanjeev Gupta and Asim Dasgupta
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d1241-1252, December 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9835647

The outer parts of the mycobacterial envelope as permeability barriers
Philip Draper
[Frontiers in Bioscience, 3, d1253-1261, December 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9851911

Role of PP2A in intracellular signal transduction pathways
Axel H. Schönthal
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d1262-1273, December 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9851914

Neuroendocrine and immune mediators in prostate cancer
Naseema M. Hoosein
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, d1274-1279. December 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9851913


Diagnostic strategies in Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
Robert P. Baughman, and John D. Liming
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, e1-12; January 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9405333

Long-term outcome among patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
Sampath Prahalad and Murray H. Passo
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, e13-22, March 21, 1998] PubMed No: 9492378

Vascular smooth muscle, endothelial regulation and effects of aspirin in hypertension
Munir A. Rahmani
[Frontiers in Bioscience, 3, e23-38, April 27, 98] PubMed No: 9556499

Testis - specific proteins and their role in contraceptive vaccine development
Rajesh K. Naz and Cynthia M. Vanek
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, e39-48, April 30, 1998] PubMed No: 9560359

Therapeutic angiogenesis
Jeffrey M. Isner and Takayuki Asahara
[Frontiers in Bioscience, 3, e49-69, May 5, 1998] PubMed No: 9567005

The aging of the NMDA receptor complex
Kathy R. Magnusson
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, e70-80, May 11, 1998] PubMed No: 9576682

Role of lipoxygenases in breast cancer
Rama Natarajan and Jerry Nadler
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, e81-88, June 8, 1998] PubMed No: 9616130

Clinical implications of anomalous CD44 gene expression in neoplasia
Steve Goodison and David Tarin
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, e89-109, Junly 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9634541

Nutritional modulation of host responses to mycobacteria
Guixiang Dai, Susan Phalen and David N. McMurray
[Frontiers in Bioscience e110-122, July 20, 1998] PubMed No: 9665874

Mycobacterial pathogenesis: a historical perspective
Frank M. Collins
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, e123-132 ,July 23, 1998] PubMed No: 9669994

Host response to Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Zahra Toossi and Jerrold J Ellner
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, e133-140, July 25, 1998] PubMed No: 9669996

Immunopathogenesis of Mycobacterium avium infection
Andrea M. Cooper, Rui Appelberg and Ian M. Orme
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, e141-148, August 5, 1998] PubMed No: 9693155

Relationships between the structure and the roles of lipoarabinomannans and related glycoconjugates in tuberculosis pathogenesis
Alain Vercellone, Jérôme Nigou, and Germain Puzo
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, e149-163, August 6, 1998] PubMed No: 9696885

Mycobacterial lipids : a historical perspective
Jean Asselineau and Gilbert Lanéelle
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, e164-174, October 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9751667

Surgical therapy of pancreatic cancer
Glenroy Heywood, Michael P. Vezeridis, Harold J. Wanebo
[Frontiers in Bioscience e175-180, November 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9792897

The role of laparoscopy in the management of pancreatic cancer
David A. Iannitti
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, e181-185, November 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9792898

Adjuvant therapy for pancreatic cancer: current status
William F. Regine, William J. John, and Mohammed Mohiuddin
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, e186-192, November 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9820740

Neoadjuvant chemoradiation for adenocarcinoma of the pancreas
Tara M. Breslin, Nora A. Janjan, Jeffrey E. Lee, Peter W. T. Pisters, Robert A. Wolff, James L. Abbruzzese Douglas B. Evans
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, e193-203, November 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9792895

Paclitaxel and concurrent radiation for locally advanced pancreatic carcinoma
Howard Safran, William Cioffi, David Iannitti, Anthony Mega, and Paul Akerman
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, e204-206, November 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9792903

Intraoperatic electron beam irradiation in pancreatic cancer
Christopher G. Willett and Andrew L. Warshaw
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, e207-213, November 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9820742

Treatment of advanced and metastatic pancreatic cancer
Lawrence Blaszkowsky
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, e214-225, November 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9792894

Novel approaches in development for the treatment of pancreatic cancer
James Butera, Martin Malachovsky, Ritesh Rathore, Howard Safran
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, e226-229, November 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9792896

Gene therapy and pancreatic cancer
A. Scott Pearson, Michael Bouvet, Douglas B. Evans, and Jack A. Roth
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, e230-e237, November 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9792901

Treatment of severe male infertility by micromanipulation-assisted fertilization: news and views
Jan Tesarik, Carmen Mendoza and Ermanno Greco
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, e238-246, December 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9851915

The clinical significance of sperm-zona pellucida binding
Daniel R Franken
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, e247-253, December 15, 1998] PubMed No: 9851912


Is Alzheimer's disease associated with a decreased intracellular level of calcium?
Ming Chen
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, let1-2, April 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9535645

Therapy cost 2000: an electronic tool for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of therapeutic regimens
David Day, Jane Brandman, Teresa J. Lubowski, Ambarish Ambegaonkar, Kevin Livengood, Dolores Nobles-Knight, John Van Vleet, Cindy Yamaga
[Frontiers in Bioscience 3, l3-4, December 1, 1998] PubMed No: 9835648