Examination of extremities |
Digits (fingers, toes)
Joints |
Extremities are symmetrical, without oedemas and skin disorders, well supplied with blood, and freely mobile.
Further described changes generally occur in lower extremities.
Symmetrical - at first perimalleolar, gradually extending as far as the thigh, occur in right-sided heart failure. They are tougher, sore, the skin is colder or cyanotic, in recumbent patients they are found on the lower side of calves and thighs. On their decline, the skin "gets shrunken". |
Symmetrical - in lower extremities, softer with persisting depression on palpation, occur in hypoproteinemia and cardiac insufficiency, they change in dependence on the position. |
Both symmetrical and asymmetrical - tough in upper or lower extremities, the extent and localisation depend on the block of lymphatic drainage (lymphoedema). |
Unilateral oedema - mostly in lower extremities (calf and often also thigh), the skin colour unchanged with transparent superficial venous pattern, tense, the temperature comparable or slightly higher if compared with the opposite side. Deep palpation of the calf is painful, as well as dorsiflexion (Homans´s sign), the middle of the sole is also tender on palpation (plantar sign).
The mentioned symptoms are not specific, but their presence suggests
possible deep vein thrombosis (DVT) - phlebothrombosis.
DVT of a various extent can also occur in upper extremities (i.v.
application, taking blood samples, cannulation of a peripheral
Unilateral oedema of a small extent can be connected with thrombophlebitis,
manifested, moreover, in skin erythema and pain (varixes, cannulation
of peripheral vessel, i.v. injection). |

Oedema of lower

Cardiac oedemas
of lower

Shrunken skin
in lower
after the decline
of oedemas

of lower

of lower
extremity -


of lower

Deep venous

of the left arm
Digits of upper as well as lower extremities are axially symmetrical, nails slightly arched, smooth, firm, with proportional representation of the lunula.
Clubbed distended digits with spherical nails, mostly cyanotic, occur in congenital cardiac defects and bronchopulmonary diseases.
Amputated - they are ablated (onycho-ectomy) usually due to serious ischaemic changes in diabetic patients or in ischaemic vascular disease of lower extremities. |

Detail -
digital clubbing
in congenital
cardiac effect

Digital clubbing -
central cyanosis

Digital clubbing
in lower

Condition after
amputation of toes

Amputated toes
in a diabetic
Koilonychia (spoon nails) - occur in thyrotoxicosis.
Cera guttans - lengthwise grooving alternated
with shallow depressions. These changes are present in rheumatoid
Onychomycosis - is manifested with uneven, friable
nails, changed in colour, single or multiple nails are affected, mostly
in lower extremities.
Hepatic - whitish part of
the nail (lunula) occupies a substantial part, can be found
in patients with liver cirrhosis.
Splinter haematomas - occur
in chronic infectious endocarditis (embolisation). |

of the big toe
of the right foot

Skin on the extremities is pink, warm, firm, elastic with retained
skin appendices (adnexa).
Trophic changes - the skin is drier, colder,
desquamated, hair scarce or absent, presence of skin defects (ischaemic
vascular disease of lower extremities, diabetic angiopathy).
Changes in colour
The skin is pale, colder in comparison with the surrounding. |
The skin is marbled or cyanotic, in the extent
corresponding with ischaemia (focuses, single or multiple digits -
findings usual in ischaemic vascular disease of lower extremities). |
The skin is hyperpigmented, usually on
legs, in the lower 1/2 to 1/3 of the crus, focuses of haemosiderin
are of various size depending on aetiology. In the area of healed
varicose ulcers, they are more extensive. |
Palmar erythema is pinkish red, in palms (thenar, antithenar) it occurs in liver cirrhosis. |

disease of lower
extremities -
dry necrosis
of the big toe

disease of lower


Dry gangrene
of the big toe

Microbial eczema
in the area of
chronic vascular

of the crura

Varixes are manifested as single bluish transparent subcutaneous nodes or as stem varicosity of v. saphena magna (great saphenous vein). Its filling is increased in standing position. Erythema (reddening) of the skin above them and the infiltrate following the course of the vein, is a manifestation of thrombophlebitis.
Inflammatory changes
Erysipelas is an inflammation
of the skin and epidermis caused by streptococcal infection,
manifested in a rose-violet coloration, the margin of the inflammation
is tongue-like projected against the healthy skin. |
Erythema nodosum are tough infiltrates of a mauve colour prominent over the level of skin of the crura, occurring in idiopathic intestinal inflammation. |
Psoriasis vulgaris is manifested on
the skin of knees and elbows, in a smaller extent also in
other locations, grey-pink skin changes are of various shapes, they
gradually desquamate. |
Interdigital mycoses are
found mostly between foot toes, they cause rhagades or minor blisters. |
Dupuytren's contractures occur in the palms of hands, they look like hardened stripes running towards some fingers (mostly to the 3rd and 4th). Sometimes the movement of fingers is therefore limited. They occur in elderly people, more frequently in liver cirrhosis. |
Multicolour skin changes - in the form
of various skin efflorescences sometimes occure in vasculitis or they
can be a paraneoplastic manifestation. |
Hyperkeratosis related changes - keratoma palmare. |

Crural ulcer

Crural ulcer

Venous varixes

Erythema nodosum
in legs

Erythema nodosum
in legs

in the crura

palmar erythema,
tattooing on the


Keratoma palmare
Scars on the skin are of various size, shape and origin.
Flat, atrophic - in the lower part of the crura, originate
after healing of crural varicose ulcers. Hyperpigmentation is
more frequent in their surrounding; |
Short - at the internal side of the crura or thighs, correspond with extirpation of varixes; |
Long at the internal sides of both crura due to extirpation of v. saphena magna (used for revascularisation cardiosurgery). |
Long over the hip or knee joints following
orthopaedic surgery (total endoprosthesis of the respective
joint). |
Of irregular shape and localization are connected with traumas. |
The muscles of extremities are proportionately developed, symmetrical with adequate muscular tonus.
Muscular atrophy - of a small or greater extent is developed in an inactive limb (immobility in vascular cerebral emergencies, in lack of movement due painful articular syndrome, etc.).
Muscular hypertrophy - occurs in atypical exertion of the limb (orthopaedic defects, paresis).
Vessels - arteries
Arterial pulsation is well palpable in typical localisations.
Reduced pulsation signals narrowing of the lumen, most often due to an arteriosclerotic plaque or thrombus.
Palpation is used for examination of a. femoralis, a. poplitea, a. dorsalis
and a. tibialis posterior. Ischaemic changes develop in accordance with
the severity of circulation disorder.
More detailed information on blood supply is provided by Doppler ultrasonography
of the malleolar pressure (physiological finding
is by 10 to 30 mm Hg higher compared to the arm).

Scars after
venous grafts

Scar in the
left arm

Scars after
venous grafts
Visible joints are of proper sublime shape, freely mobile.
Deformation of a joint is caused by the presence
of osteophytes, exostoses; the movement is reduced, scratching sounds
(knee, astragalus) can be heard on palpation.
Heberden´s nodes represent arthritis of the distal
interphalangeal joints.
Bouchard´s nodes affect the proximal interphalangeal
joints, which are irregularly roughened.
Halluces valgi a deformation of the 1st
metatarsophalangeal joint of the foot with deviation of toes (occur
in pes planus, improper shoes, or in genetic disposition).
Spindle-shaped (fusiform) swelling (intumescentia) of the joint
is caused by an inflammation. Frequent affection is found in proximal
interphalangeal joints in rheumatoid arthritis. Chronic
character of the disease causes ulnar deviations, later desaxations,
in the worst case even articular ankyloses. Interosseous hand muscles
are atrophic.
Gout related tophi look like whitish nodules
over joints of hands. They are caused by deposition of uric acid crystals
Your notes, observations, and proposals are welcome either via e-mail at the address int-prop@lfmotol.cuni.cz, or via the WWW Form.

Deformation of the
wrist of the
right upper
extremity afer
Colles' fracture



of the hand -
gouty tophus