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TYPES OF COMMUNICATIONSThe following types of manuscripts that are relevant to any fields of biology or medicine will be considered for publication.
The research articles, reviews and technical notes will contain the title, abstract, introduction, materials and methods, result, discussion, references, acknowledgment, legends to tables and figures, tables and figures. If necessary, the result and discussion sections could be combined. However, the data submitted for publication in multimedia medicine on line or technical protocols may merely contain the title (including the name of the authors), a very brief introduction, method, and discussion sections, legends (for figures, videos or sounds) and only pertinent references. In the method section of the technical protocols, write sequential steps involved with each step represented by a number. In the method section, write briefly how the video, sound, image or VRML was obtained. If specific reagents are used provide the information about the manufacturer in a section called materials. The intention of technical protocols and video, sound and image gallery is to provide the basic information that allows the reader to interpret the presented data. Therefore, it is important to be succinct and if warranted, to eliminate the introduction, discussion and references.
GENERAL INFORMATION Publishing data in scientific journals is the accepted means of dissemination of information in science. Publications are important to investigators since they reflect the extent of their scholarly activities, are needed for their promotion and are required for obtaining grants. They are also the means of disseminating information that are important to other investigators as well as the public. Therefore, "Frontiers in Bioscience" considers all publications as rapid communications. Attempts will be made to post the manuscript on-line shortly after it has been accepted for publication. Scientists who read a given manuscript can express their opinion, criticisms and suggestions for the improvement of published material. These comments will be posted in the "Letter to editor" section of the journal. Authors can respond and if necessary can revise a manuscript that has already been accepted for publication. MANUSCRIPT PROCESSING FEE Submission of manuscripts for publication in "Frontiers in Bioscience" does not require a fee for the review process. However, certain fees may apply for the preparation of various formats and layouts such as those prepared for creation of reprints, for creation of the Portable Document Format (PDF), and for HTML coding of the document. These charges are waived for authors who are willing to format their manuscript appropriately. For additional information, please contact the editorial office or access [http://www.bioscience.org/ guides/charge.htm].
ETHICAL STANDARDS Publication of a scientific article represents the means through which the contribution of the scientists are recognized. Along with this recognition, the authors of a scientific article bear the responsibility to make certain that their contribution is original, reproducible, and that are clearly and honestly represented. It is not always possible to detect erroneous nature of a set of data by the peer review process. Therefore, it is vital that all the authors carefully review the accuracy of the data that they present. The authors of a manuscript are obligated to:
AUTHORSHIP All individuals that are listed as authors should have participated in the following aspects of the work and should be able to take public responsibility for the reported data.
The order of authorship should be based on the joint decision of the authors. Participation solely in providing funds for the work, supervision of the staff involved in acquisition of data, collection of samples, collection of data, or providing materials should not be a basis for authorship. These types of contributions should be listed in the acknowledgment section of the manuscript.
MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION Three copies of the manuscript and figure or video sets should be submitted along with a cover letter stating that :
It is recommended that the authors list, within the body of their manuscript, a reference to the fact that the appropriate consents and approvals for the conduct of the experiments have been obtained. A form letter (submission form) containing this language is provided to be signed by the corresponding author on behalf of all authors. This letter along with the three complete sets of manuscript and copyright form should be sent to the editorial office. If sending a cover letter, please include the name of the corresponding author, the telephone, and fax numbers as well as regular and E-mail addresses. Please send all materials along with a self addressed envelope to the editorial office. Manuscripts that are not submitted along with the self addressed envelope will not be returned. Manuscripts will undergo an editorial triage. Therefore, in order to expedite the review process, prior to submission of their manuscript, the authors may wish to submit a copy of title and abstract of the manuscript to the editorial office. The authors will get a response within a few days regarding the suitability of the manuscript for submission to the "Frontiers in Bioscience". PREPARATION OF THE MANUSCRIPT The manuscript should be prepared in American English and in accordance with the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals". The requirements are described in detail in :
Correctness of the manuscript in regard to clarity, conciseness, grammar, spelling and typing errors is the responsibility of the authors. Contributors whose native language is not English are encouraged to obtain the help of their colleagues or professional editors proficient in Scientific English who can correct such errors. An original manuscript should be organized as follows:
In technical notes and protocols, the results and discussion may be combined into one section. In a manuscript in the multimedia medicine on line, if necessary, various sections may be shortened or deleted. The review articles in basic and clinical science should be organized as follows:
Please do not provide materials and methods or discussion section. Number various sections of the manuscript in the following style: 1. Section 1
Do not place page numbers in the table of contents. Italicize the sections listed in the table of contents (see example). Do not make the titles in bold and do not underline them. In the title, capitalize only the first letter of the first word. Do not center the titles, rather, left justify. TITLE PAGE This page should include: Title, names of the authors, telephone and fax numbers as well as regular and E-mail addresses. Title should be concise. ABSTRACT Abstract should be concise and should not exceed 200 words. Abstract should state the background that led to the present series of experiments, the study design, the methods used, the data obtained and the conclusion that are drawn based on the findings. INTRODUCTION Introduction should make the reader familiar with the area of investigation, should cite the relevant and pertinent work of others and the concepts that led to the present series of studies. MATERIALS AND METHODS The source of the materials used with the appropriate references should be listed. The methods should be clear so that other investigators can easily duplicate the work. When the standard deviations or statistical analysis are not reported, it is assumed that the investigators have been able to reproducibly produce the data. RESULTS Results should be presented with clarity and conciseness. Data should be expressed in Systeme International (SI) units throughout the text. Metric units should be added in parentheses. A complete listing of the SI units and guides to preparation of SI units may be found in the:
Temperature should be expressed in degrees Celsius and the time of day by using 24 hour clock (e.g. 0200 h, 2300 h). DISCUSSION In this section, the data that were generated should be analyzed in the light of the available published reports. Attempts should be made not to reiterate the results in the discussion section. REFERENCES References should be listed as they appear in Index Medicus (see example below). Sequentially number the references throughout the text. Please conform the references to the following format (italicize the name of the journal): Pampfer, S. Tabibzadeh, F. C. Chuan & J. W. Pollard: Expression of colony-stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1) messenger RNA in human endometrial glands during the menstrual cycle: molecular cloning of a novel transcript that predicts a cell surface form of CSF-1. Mol Endocrinol 5, 1931-1938 (1991) Books should be cited as follows: R Jones, M Stacey & J Roberts: The role of cytokines in sperm function. In: Reproductive medicine. Eds: Curran J, Roberts S, Raven Press, NY 322-343 (1994) Please note that the inclusive paging is required for the references. Do not use et al in the reference list. List all the authors. Do not underline the name of the journal and do not use period after the name of the journal. Avoid using manuscripts published in the non-peer reviewed journals, reports published in proceedings or abstracts. Substitute these with peer reviewed manuscripts. TABLES Type each table on a separate page. Present data in a real table with columns, rows and cells. Each variable should reside in a cell. Provide a title for each table. Keep the number of columns to a minimum. For accepted manuscripts, tables should be included with the body of the manuscript on a floppy disk. FIGURE LEGENDS Provide a title for each figure. Type the figure legends in sequence listed in the text.
RUNNING TITLE AND KEY WORDS In the last page of the manuscript, provide a running title, no more than 40 characters, key words with reference to the discipline, tissue, cell, molecule and technique and the name, address, telephone number, fax number and E-mail address of the corresponding author. Provide a list of key words that includes, the discipline, tissue, cell, molecule, and technique. VIDEOS AND SOUNDS Provide a title for each video or sound. Type the legends to the videos or sounds in sequence listed in the text. Videos and sounds should be brief. Remember that the longer the video or the sound, the longer it will take to download it to the viewer's computer. So use the shortest video or sound segments that demonstrate the data. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Acknowledge the source of support, the personnel who contributed to the technical aspects of the project and to the preparation of the manuscript, contributed reagents for use in the project or reviewed the manuscript. FIGURES Each figure can be up to a full page (8x11 inches). However, figures that are 1/4 to 1/6 of a page are preferable. In the back of each figure, put the name of corresponding author, the figure number and indicate the top of each figure. Graphs should be of professional quality that allows their evaluation and scanning.
REPRODUCIBILITY OF RESULTS AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Submission of data for publication is an indication that the authors are confident that the data are reproducible. Appropriate statistical analysis should be used to determine that the findings are significant. The term "significant" should be used only if such determination has been made. The probability of the significance should be stated. When reporting a new assay, the following data should be listed.
REVIEW PROCESS Once the manuscript has been received, it will be designated an accession number. Please refer to the accession number in all correspondence to the editorial office . The manuscript will be sent to two reviewers who are experts in the field. The manuscript will be published if both reviewers feel that the material submitted should be published and give it a high priority. If the judgment of one reviewer is at odds with the other, the manuscript will be sent to a third reviewer. The acceptance of the manuscript will be based on judgment of two out of the three reviewers. Every attempt will be made to keep the duration of the review to a minimum. The manuscripts will be published shortly after it has been accepted for publication. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE REVIEWERS Peer review is the means through which manuscripts are accepted for publication in scientific journals. Therefore, the reviewers have the following responsibilities:
The purpose of the review is to provide information that is useful to the authors. The review process may reveal errors or potential problems associated with the performance of the experiments, and presentation or interpretation of data. Therefore, the main value of the review process is to offer strategies that correct or improve the value of the presented data or the content of the manuscript. Reviewer should point out as how to improve the presentation or interpretation of the data. All comments should be constructive and should not contain language that causes the authors to become frustrated, depressed or angry. Work that is submitted to be published is the outcome of hard work and labor and should not by any means be ridiculed. The reviewers can report their decisions within the on-line reviewer E-mail box. Otherwise it is recommended that the evaluation form be sent via fax to the editorial office and the original copy along with all the figure sets be sent back to the to the editorial office . Money and labor are invested in generation of glossy figures, therefore, such materials should be immediately returned to the editorial office after the reviewing.
PROOFS AND REPRINTS Once the manuscript has been accepted, we encourage the authors to submit the manuscript as a Word Processor file and as HTML files and to submit the photographs as glossy prints or as files (.tif, .gif, .jpg). Shortly after acceptance, the authors will receive a galley proof. The proofs should be corrected within 24 hours and the corrections should be faxed to the editorial office . The manuscript will go on line shortly after the corrections are received. The opportunity still exists to revise the manuscript once it has been published, however, unless absolutely essential, we do not recommend revisions after the manuscript is on line. A note will be made to any revisions in the manuscript since the time of its on line appearance. Reprints will be available if the authors wish to receive them. The authors may choose to receive the CD-ROM that will contain their manuscript. If the investigator has decided to prepare the manuscript in HTML page format, various sections of the manuscript should be saved as separate files on a floppy disk as follows:
Authors who provide their article as HTML files are encouraged to include within the texts, hypertext links to specific external web pages containing further information pertinent to any part of the article such as materials and methods, tables, figures, and references. Bear in mind that capital letters should not be used for any filename. Print your name, title of the manuscript, and manuscript accession number on the floppy disk that contains the text or HTML pages and the image files. Instruction on preparation of HTML pages can be found in the Virtual Library section of the journal. Many photographers are able to scan any image and store it as files with appropriate extensions for submission. If manuscript is not submitted as HTML pages and figures as files, then present the text on a floppy disk as Word for Windows, WordPerfect, or and RTF file and present figures as glossy prints. The manuscripts can be submitted for peer review and the accepted manuscript can be submitted, as an attchment, for publication via E-mail. In this case, the text can be sent as regular text and figures can be encoded according to one of the following encoding formats: .hqx or .uue. Authors may also archive multiple text and image files together into a single file using the following archive formats: .sit, .arj, .arc, .zip or .gz. Similarly, an archive may be encoded with .hqx or .uue encryption prior to sending the manuscript via e-mail. The authors also present on a video a summary of their findings as a miniconference and express their views of the future directions of their research. The products within the materials and methods section of the manuscript can be linked to the manufacturer's home page or to specific information including the address, phone and fax numbers of the manufacturers, as well as the price and availability of the product presented in the manuscript. Information about the investigators who have provided some of the reagents used in the experiments can also be added in a hypertext format. The cited references can be linked to the MEDLINE database. See the example below: Pampfer, S. Tabibzadeh, F. C. Chuan & J. W. Pollard: Expression of colony-stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1) messenger RNA in human endometrial glands during the menstrual cycle: molecular cloning of a novel transcript that predicts a cell surface form of CSF-1. Mol Endocrinol 5, 1931-1938 (1991) [92168031] The authors who wish to have the editorial office add any or all the above features to their manuscript should contact the editorial office . CITATIONS ![]() ![]() ![]() We recommend that manuscripts should be cited as follows: Wang DZ, Hu X, Lin JLC, Kitten GT, Solursh M, Lin JJC: Differential displaying of mRNAs from the atrioventricular region of developing chicken hearts at stages 15 and 21: Front Biosci 1: A1-A15 (Jan 1 1996) . Full manuscript URL: http://www.bioscience.org/1996/v1/a/wang1/htmls/list.htm. uid: 9159189 The "Frontiers in Bioscience" is being cited by:
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When sending a manuscript, please always check the current address of the editorial office at http://www.bioscience.org/editoff.htm |