"Frontiers in Bioscience" was established to foster rapid dissemination of peer reviewed scientific data and to deliver the most up-to-date reviews in biology and medicine to biologists and physicians.
All manuscripts submitted to "Frontiers in Bioscience" will be reviewed by at least two distinguished investigators. The reviewers will be chosen primarily from currently over 200 distinguished scientists who serve as editors. Only the manuscripts that are high quality and obtain a score of 75 or higher will be accepted for publication. To see the scoring system, click here.
The scope of the journal and the basis why "Frontiers in Bioscience" was established can be found in the "General Information" section of the journal. This section also contains information as to how to subscribe to the journal. The subscription is free and is via E-mail. The subscribers will get a special E-mail form of the journal as well as any news on any development in the journal and vitrual library.
A comprehensive "Guidelines to Authors" is written that contains the types of the manuscripts that are accepted for publication, the review process, and a detailed guidelines on how to submit the manuscript to "Frontiers in Bioscience".
The current issue contains the published manuscripts. The manuscripts will be published in one of the following categories: Research articles in basic or clinical science, Reviews in basic or clinical science, Technical notes and protocols, Multimedia medicine on line and Databases or Atlases. The manuscripts will be reviewed quickly after they have been received, normally within three weeks from the date of submission. Once accepted, the authors will quickly receive a galley proof for correction. The manuscript will appear shortly after the corrected proof has been received. There is no fixed date for publication, rather manuscripts will go on line as they get accepted for publication. The manuscripts will be presented according to the category, the discipline and the subject. This is done in order to simplify finding a given manuscript that may be of interest to the reader. In addition to the published manuscripts, the current issue will contain books, a platform called "insights on genes and gene products at a glance", "debates", "biotech reports" , "journal clubs", and more. Permanent CD-ROM copies of journal will be deposited in major libraries across the world for archival purposes.
The readers can write their views to the editorial office. Questions posed to the authors of a given manuscript can be sent to the editorial office. Once answered by the authors, both the question and the answer will appear in the "Letter to editor" section of the journal as well as within the published manuscript. Erratum will also appear within the published manuscripts.
For browsers with the capability to show frames and interepret Javascript, buttons are included in the current issue that allows an index of the entire journal and virtual library to be displayed in the left (as a frame) or as a floating index (with the use of Javascript).